Monday 6 November 2017

Te Araroa Day 14, Waipu to Langsview

Starting km: 420
Finishing km: 435
km covered today:15

First business for the day (other than drinking one of Steve's fun pohutukawa smoked coffees) was to have a visit with my mate Jason at the brewery.  I kind of hung around, got in the way a bit and met Milton, McLeod's assistant brewer before heading southwards, around 11:00, an atypically late start.

Hmm.  Other than news of my quick visit with Jason, this isn't much of an entertaining entry.  In my defence, I kind of overdid it on the beers in Waipu the night before.  So all I really did this day was a long, slow slog uphill on roads, followed by a very pleasant walk along DOC's Langsview track.  This track had a number of private residences adjacent to it.  Far too many of these had signs reading something like "Private Property! Keep Out!"
Given the positions of these signs, it was blindingly obvious that they delineated private property.  Those who didn't care wouldn't be dissuaded by the  signs, and those who did care didn't require them, and were just left with an impression of sour and grumpy and vaguely greedy landowners.

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